Men usually enjoy their leisure time more than women, as they feel less rushed when compared to women, during their leisure time, according to research carried out by Ohio State University. Pressures of housework and childcare are felt by women, even when they are meant to beenjoying their leisure time. There is a great deal of difference between spending time with one’s friends, as in the case of men, when compared to spending time with children, as in the case of women. For example, the study found that men who were married and had children didn't feel more rushed in their daily lives than single, childless men. But the odds of feeling sometimes or always rushed were 2.2 times higher for married women with children than it was for single, childless women. Sayer conducted the study with Marybeth Mattingly of the University of Maryland. Their results appear in the February 2006 issue of the Journal of Marriage and Family.
While this study didn't analyse the reasons why women feel more rushed, other research suggests women still feel more responsible for taking care of children and housework, even if men are pitching in more than they once did. This means that the quality of free time may not be the same for women as it is for men. For example, even during their free time, women may still be more responsible than men for meeting the needs of their children.