2.4 NLM Electronic Resources Portal (www.pnmdigital.gov.my)
NLM provides public domain as well as subscribed and purchased e-resources to the users by
widening its access to its electronic resources to all Malaysians through NLM’s Electronic
Resources Portal or Digital Resources @ NLM effective 1 March 2012. This is a single sign
on portal to all the electronic resources in the library and provided free to all Malaysians and
the world. This portal can be accessed through personal computer, tablet computer, laptop,
smart phone and other electronic gadgets by registering as an online member through this
portal www.pnmdigital.gov.my. The services provided in this portal include borrowing and
downloading of e-books and e-magazines.. The total collection of e-books subscribed by
NLM is more than 3 million. The total collection of e-books is more than 3 million which
include borrowing and downloading of e-books, e-magazine and development of local