Best Friends Forever
As a child at the age of two, my sister and I had pictures taken together. My sister and I are ten months and three weeks apart. In this special family picture was look identical. Our big, dark blue and brown eyes and smile resemble two calm little girls, enjoying the moment with peaceful smiles on our faces. In our long, dark red and blue dresses we sit straight up in front of a warn red fireplace surrounded by green plants. Our dark brown, wavy hair even matched. We both had baby pink bows off to the side of our heads that resemble a blooming flower. Growing up our family consisted of our father, my sister, and I. My sister and I have both been there for each other through “the thick and the thin.” My photograph pf my sister and reveals how close we are in age and through this paragraph it also reveals how close we are when it comes to love and friendship.
~(c) Amy Neill 2005~