About 100 ml of water sample was collected from ground
water and surface water sources using a pre acid cleaned
airtight plastic bottles with minimum disturbance. In borewell
water sampling, water should be pumped out for 5 min. In
order to obtain fresh water from borewell, the water was
allowed run fully at least 5 min before the sample was taken.
then is collected by allowing water to flow along the wide
mouth bucket. About 100 ml of water samples were collected
in airtight plastic bottle with minimum disturbance. The
plastic bottles were filled completely in a gentle manner, so
that zero head space was present. Care was taken to see that
no air bubbles were seeing inside the container and also to
avoid aeration during the sampling processes, which might
lead to out gassing. During the sample collection we have to
follow the following procedure. Escape of radon from water
due to turbulent flow is minimized by running a hose from the
wellhead faucet into a bottle. Bottles are filled and capped
underwater without any airspace left in the sample. The
samples were brought to the laboratory with minimal loss of
time and were analyzed immediately.