Early inthe morning, the train running between Bangkok and Nakorn Rajsrima, (leave)
____(1)____ Nakarn Rajsrima Station as soon as the bell rang and the station master (blow)
____(2)____ the whistle while the guard was waving his green flag.
Several weeks ago, I (have) ___(3)___ an opportunity to make a journey to Bangkok.
I (go)___(4)___ there with some of my friends. We(take)___(5)___a seat in one of carriages
of the train. While the train ( be glide )___(6)____on, weamused ourselves lookingoutof the
carriage windows.Pleasant views areonaround us.Rice–fields areon bothsideof therail.
Hereand therearegreentreesand shrubsofall sizes.Farm –housesareseenata distance.
Groupsof farmersare busily workinginthehot sun.
Wehad beenseated for somehours when we (feel) ___(7)____ that the train began
to moveslowly. Lookingoutof the windows, we(find) ___(8)___ that thetrain was climbing
up thehillyvalleyof“PhayaYen Wood –lands.” Heretreesgrew thickerand thickerand hills
were passing us. The train (speed) ____(9)____ merrily along, and we enjoyed ourselves
watching the pleasant views all around. The air was by this time delightfully cool.The train
(be run) ____(10)____ merrily up and down the hilly lands for one or two hours, when