A novel ethylene-a-cyclodextrin (a-CD) inclusion complex (IC) powder was investigated to ripen Calypso
mango fruit. Modulated release of ethylene gas from the IC powder was achieved by admixture with
deliquescent salt CaCl2 at RHs of 75.5% and 93.6%. The IC powder was tested in the laboratory and for intransit
ripening of mango fruit over two seasons. In the laboratory experiment, ethylene gas started to
release from the IC powder in 2 h and complete release was achieved in 24 h. Assessments of fruit colour
firmness showed that encapsulated ethylene and commercial grade ethylene from pressurised
cylinder similarly shortened the ripening time to 9–10 days (after harvest) for treated fruit as compared
with 15 days for untreated mango. Mango fruit treated in both ways with ethylene showed more uniform
ripening than the control. For the in-transit ripening using the IC powder, ethylene was found to be
between 4.9 and 10.5 mL L1 in the headspace of the truck containers over 48 h. Mango fruit from the
treated containers shortened the ripening time by 3–6 days as compared to the untreated control fruit.
Thus, the safe and convenient IC powder has demonstrated promise for in-transit fruit ripening.