Through this theoretical lens, the FoMO phenomenon can be understood as self-regulatory limbo arising from situational or chronic deficits in psychological need satisfactions. Following this line of thought, low levels of basic need satisfaction may relate to FoMO and social media engagement in two ways. The link could be direct, individuals who are low in basic need satisfaction may gravitate towards social media use because it is perceived as are source to get in touch with others, a tool to develop social competence , and an opportunity to deepen socialites. The relation between basic needs and social media engagement could also be in direct, that is, linked byway of FoMO. Providing that need deficits could lead some towards a general sensitivity to fear of missing out, it is possible that need satisfaction is linked to social media use only insofar a sit slinked to FoMO. Said differently, fear missing out could serve a media tor linking deficits in psychological needs to social media engagement.