One computer is used as the server, while the other one
is used as client. The web server is established on the
server computer. Also the VNC server was established on
the server computer. All commands that control the
robotic arm are sent from the client computer using the
web server. On the other hand, the visual feedback
needed for acknowledgment of the proper remote control
i.e. did the arm performed the desired movement, is
accessed by the client using the VNC server. All that was
needed to establish a connection, to send commands from
the client to the server, was provided in the additional
toolbox using the created m-files such as pnet and
pnet_putvar [10]. Using the pnet m-file a handler called
‘con’ was created. This handler was used in combination
with m-file pnet_putvar to send the necessary data to the
connection. One m-file for the web server was created
using these previously mentioned m- files. The required
toolbox can be found in the references along with all
explanations for each m-file [10]. To access the visual
information acquired by the camera VNC server was
used. The camera is connected to the server computer and
using VNC server we can gain access to the server from a
remote desktop.