This modification of the original ICC 131 Standard was needed to achieve more homogeneous crumb structure, which was required for the texture analysis. After formation, loaves were placed in a baking-tin, and placed back into the fermenter for 50 min. Finally, loaves were baked for 30 min at 220 C. After being removed from the oven, loaves were cooled
down at room temperature, removed from the baking-tin, and stored for 16 h in sealed plastic bags at 20 C before analysis. Three loaves were produced at once and all blends were baked three times, thus from each flour nine loaves of bread were produced and analysed for loaf size and texture. For compositional
measurements representative samples were prepared (AACC,1999). The samples were ground with a Cemotec 1090 Sample mill (Tecator AB, Hoganas, Sweden) equipped with a 500 € mm sieve.