Trichoderma does have
a bad side. It is not only a
powerful biological control
agent, but it is a major
pest in commercial mushroom
production. There it
is known as “green mould.”
The powerful enzyme chitinase
produced by Trichoderma creates
big problems in commercial
mushroom farms.
If Trichoderma exists naturally in
the soil then why should you have
to add more of what is already there?
Trichoderma fungi in nature are lost
due to soil disturbances such as mining,
construction or erosion; strong acid or
chemical treatments; pesticides, excessive
heat, drought, or flooding; and denial of
oxygen or water by asphalt, concrete, soil compaction and
roads. In indoor gardens Trichoderma should be added to potting
soils to restore healthy population levels lost due to soil
sterilization, the use of strong chemical sanitizers, waterlogged
soils low in oxygen and excessive fertilization.
The optimum temperature range for Trichoderma harzianum
is between 30 to 37oC, whereas Trichoderma koningii has an
optimal range between 32 to 35oC (Danielson and Davey).
Once soil temperatures exceed 15oC, this is the best timing for
Trichoderma to be introduced into the soil.
Trichoderma has a lifecycle of about 28 days. It is self replicating
but like any lifecycle it becomes weak. Therefore,
it is necessary to re-apply the product to maintain strength