ind energy is one of the most cost-effective energy
options for reducing global warming. It is a clean,
renewable, freely and sustainable means of electricity
generation. Wind energy is the fastest growing source of energy
world wide. The plant operating today avoids over 28x106 tons
of CO2, 94x103 tons of SO2 and 78 x103 tons of NOx emissions
per year outside the EU by 2005 and could reduce EU power
sector CO2 emissions by over 11% by 2040 [1]. With today’s
technology and price level, an annual average wind speed above
5m/s is necessary to make wind power feasible. The worldwide
wind power installed capacity is increasing rapidly due to new
projects being commissioned in different parts of the world. An
accurate wind resource assessment is an important and critical
factor to be well understood for harnessing the power of the
wind. It is well known that an error of 1% in wind speed
measurements leads to almost 2% error in energy output [2].