upper lateral incisors that showed attrition
due to the crossbite with the lower canines,
along with a bridge to restore the missing 25.
Orthognathic surgery had been proposed
before, and that was the reason he never
thought about the correction of the crossbite
anymore. But he accepted readily when orthodontic
correction with a treatment time of 6 to
8 months was proposed. Therefore the restorative
work –composite restoration of 12 and 22,
and replacement of 15 with bridgework- was
postponed. It was decided to leave the supernumerary
tooth, because its removal would
necessitate a traumatic surgical procedure, and
for the time being, there were no complaints
related to it.
upper lateral incisors that showed attritiondue to the crossbite with the lower canines,along with a bridge to restore the missing 25.Orthognathic surgery had been proposedbefore, and that was the reason he neverthought about the correction of the crossbiteanymore. But he accepted readily when orthodonticcorrection with a treatment time of 6 to8 months was proposed. Therefore the restorativework –composite restoration of 12 and 22,and replacement of 15 with bridgework- waspostponed. It was decided to leave the supernumerarytooth, because its removal wouldnecessitate a traumatic surgical procedure, andfor the time being, there were no complaintsrelated to it.
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