The first aircraft that man invented was the balloon. The first balloon was sent into the air by experimenters in France in 1783. It was a large bag made of paper and went about Product ID 6,000 feet into the air. It had been filled with hot air and smoke from a fire made by burning straw. A balloon rises into the air because it is filled with gas that is lighter than the air outside.
Some balloons carry engines that turn a propeller which drives them through the air. This type of balloon can be driven by a pilot and is called a dirigible or an airship. For quite a long period of time airships were used to carry passengers. Because airships are rather slow and often dangerous, they are now used very little for transportation. Many people still enjoy riding in balloons as a sport because it is so thrilling.
What is the airship still used for today?
Riding as a sport.
Driving by a pilot.
Carrying passengers.