The purpose of this project was to describe how the process of teaching and assessment of the speaking skill is done in a 10th grade of a public high school from Pereira, taken into account the students’ and teachers’ perceptions related to the instruction and learning of the speaking skill and the aspects that emerge in the research based on the exposure to the language given in the English classes. The objectives for the research project were: 1) to describe how the process of teaching and assessing the speaking skill is developed by English teachers in a 10th grade of a public high school from Pereira. 2) To show the perceptions English teachers and learners have about the teaching and learning of the speaking skill. Data was gathered through four instruments such as videos, the observations, the interviews, and the questionnaires. Data was analyzed in order to answer the research questions: 1) what does the exposure to English classes in a public high school tell us about the way speaking is taught and assessed? 2) What are teachers’ and learners’ perceptions towards the teaching of speaking skill?