Well done to George Osborne on a terrific Budget. Everybody from the young aspiring housebuyers to the pensioners wanting control of their own cash had something imaginative to help them
it also seems as if the right to buy will be extended.
With so many initiatives there is almost an air of the verve and vision which characterised Margaret Thatcher’s years in power.
When Cameron returns to Number 10 on May 7 he should keep Osborne where he is and also Iain Duncan Smith, however tempting it is to promote them, because they are doing very good jobs. By the same token he should return Michael Gove to his former post at education.
I remember Derek Lewis, the then head of the prison service, lamenting to me once that whenever a governor was particularly successful the prison service immediately took him out of the prison and into headquarters. Similarly consultants in the NHS find themselves worrying as much about administration as wielding the knife.
Good teachers end up running instead of dispensing education. A police inspector also told me that when he was preparing for a promotion he was told to learn all about equal opportunities instead of catching criminals.
Given what Osborne and Duncan Smith have achieved in five years, 10 should bring spectacular results. It is a pity Gove was interrupted but he will be able to catch up if allowed to. Assuming that coalition is no longer necessary there will be plenty of places vacated by Lib Dem ministers to fill so nobody need feel blocked if Cameron keeps successful ministers in place.