INTERNAL FACTORSa) Habitb) Motivation and interestc) Learningd) Organizational and specializatione) Economic and social backgroundf) PersonalityHabit: Habits die hard and therefore individuals perceive objects, situations and conditions differentlyaccording to their habits. A Hindu will bow and do Namaskar when he sees a temple while walking onroad, because of his well-established habit. These are several instances in life settings where individualstend to react with the right response to the wrong signals. Thus a retired soldier may throw himself onthe ground when he hears a sudden burst of car tyre.Motivation and interest: Two examples of motivational factors are hunger and thirst. Motivationalfactors increase the individual's sensitivity to those stimuli which he considers as relevant to thesatisfaction of his needs in view of his past experience with them. A thirsty individual has a perceptualset to seek a water fountain or a hotel to quench his thirst, which increases for him likelihood of perceiving restaurant signs and decreases the likelihood of visualizing other objects at that moment intime. A worker who has a strong need for affiliation, when walks into the lunchroom, the table whereseveral coworkers are sitting tends to be perceived and the empty table or the table where only oneperson is sitting will attract no attention.Learning: The state of learning influences and plays a crucial role in the perception process. However, itshould be recognized that the role of learning is more pronounced in respect of complex forms of perception where the symbolic content creeps into the process. Although interrelated with motivationand personality, learning may play the single biggest role in developing perceptual set.People perceive as per their levels of learning. it is therefore essential for the organization to make itsemployees knowledgeable and educated for their effective performance and behavior. The learning of managers and workers is a twin requirement.Organizational role and specialization: The modern organizations value specialization. Consequently thespecialty of a person that casts him in a particular organizational role predisposes him to select certainstimuli and to disregard others. Thus in a lengthy report a departmental head will first notice the textrelating to his department.