She has taught me to always try my best, to treat everyone equally, to not give up when things get hard. She tells me to at all times be honest because in the end, lies always hurt more. She instills the importance of family and of doing well at school in me. When I make decisions and she doesn’t always agree with them, she makes sure that I know that she is behind me all the way because she wants me to always be happy. She has taught me right from wrong and the significance of self-respect.
She is my mother, the greatest influence in my life. Not only as a mom but also as a friend. A time that is really prominent in my mind, that I hope I will always remember, is the year when I was doing poorly in English class and I wanted to drop it. The “easy way out” as my mom called it. She helped me realize that I was intelligent enough to be in the class that is why I was put in it, and that I could do anything I put my mind to. The talk with my mom helped me tremendously. Not only because she gave me good advice but because she was talking to me like a friend would, being understanding of where I was coming from and about my feelings.