In April, 2012, all the male first graders in high schools in Arsanjan, Iran, were invited
to participate in this study. 44 students volunteered to participate in this study and after the
final exams, they gathered in Parto Institute, Arsanjan, to be told about the details of the
study. In the first session, they were assigned to two groups (experimental and control)
through simple random sampling and they were told that they were going to be taught some
parts of their following year chemistry textbook during 15 sessions. The researchers
answered all the questions the students asked about the project. At the end of the session,
METHODOLOGYPARTICIPANTSIn April, 2012, all the male first graders in high schools in Arsanjan, Iran, were invitedto participate in this study. 44 students volunteered to participate in this study and after thefinal exams, they gathered in Parto Institute, Arsanjan, to be told about the details of thestudy. In the first session, they were assigned to two groups (experimental and control)through simple random sampling and they were told that they were going to be taught someparts of their following year chemistry textbook during 15 sessions. The researchersanswered all the questions the students asked about the project. At the end of the session,
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