Problem 1: Write a C program that does the followings.
• Create a 2D array of size N x N, where N is specified by the user, and in the range 2 to 20 including
the end points
• Populate the array with randomly generated integers in the range 0 to 99 including the end points
• Print the array with a space between each element, and each row has N elements
• Create another 2D array with the same size as the previous one
• Think of the first array as a matrix, and then transpose it with the result stored in the second array
• Print the second array using the same format as what was printed out from the first array mentioned
• Create another 2D array with the same size as the prevoius two
• Multiply the first and second matrices, and store the result in the third array
• Print the third array using the same format as what was printed out from the first and second array
mentioned above
• Note: You need to create those three arrays at the beginning of the program
• Matrix Transpose:
• Matrix Multiplication: