Whenever Weed’s heavy stride stepped forward, huge number of Ghost Knights and Ghost Soldiers falls in its quake.
From Weed’s mouth, shouts of excitement erupted.
During this impossible challenge, he was having fun. Whether it’ll be successful or end in failure, he no longer cares!
In return, Weed’s elbow and wrist violently broke.
Spectacular sword wielding. In contrast to the impossibility in reality, it was possible here.
With the usage of Skills, the attacks can be even more bizarre; but without having Mana to use, he mainly fought by brandishing his sword and stabbing.
‘The sword should not be stopped; to retain the state of force when cut.’
After acquiring the Heraim Sword Skill, he pretty soon discovered the gist of this since experiencing it.
With the scream of the sword coming down from an attack, the repulsion force of blocking forces him to be in a momentary delay. But now under the same situation, he no longer block but instead attack.
Weed’s Swordsmanship Skill was at Intermediate level 4!
Of course, it was not something comparable to the Geomchis’ Skill which was at the Advanced levels. Due to the nature of a Sculptor, the growth of the skill was twice as slow as theirs.
But now, the rate lined up due to the fact that he was a Skeleton Knight; and along with this attribute, his power was also flawless.
“Though a Skeleton Knight, still he’s a great knight.”
With the ongoing battle, the attitude of the Ghost Knights has changed.
“Our mission is to stop you here.”
“Pain, this sucks… In exchange for the betrayal I have to undergo this eternal torment.”
“We are of the Knights. So I acknowledge your strength and courage.”
“But we cannot allow you to pass here.”
Nearing the 8th time he penetrated through the hordes of ghost knights on the fourth floor, they began rushing in more violently.
Weed faithfully relied on just his sword.
There was no other option, and with the given infinite amount of Stamina, the only thing to do was to wield the sword.
Similar to the scarecrows back in Saraborg Castle!
Except for brief breaks in between, he had never wield a sword so tirelessly before.
So neglecting everything, he fought on.
Finally, there wasn't a single Ghost Knight or Ghost Soldier blocking his way any longer.
Before Weed, a white staircase was seen.
He passed the fourth floor challenge!
With one step at a time, he proceeded to the end; climbing the stairs leading to the fifth floor of the Tower of Heroes.
“A great knight.”
“It has been an honor.”
With that, the ghosts no longer rushed at him, showing proper etiquette. Though having been battered, they acknowledged their defeat.
‘Seems like even though they have been ghosts and specters for a long while, they still retained some of their codes even after death.’
Weed checked on the state of his body.
63% remaining HP.
Thanks to the Power to Deny Death, the base health was enormous.
He shed the Talrock Armor and Divine Integral Rings and such; and in their places, he wore the armor made of the dragon’s bones as well as the Payrote’s Ring, which increases his mana recovery.
Normally, he maintained all of his equipments in their best state by means of repairing. Thanks to his constant care, though having been through a lot just now, their Durability were still above 80%. Now he donned a much harder armor that was made from dragon’s bones.
The Durability of the sword was still at 75%.
‘It’s enough.’
Weed turned away from the stairs in front of him. And from behind, the Ghost Knights rushed with their swords swinging in slow motion.
“It hurts!”
“Wh…why is this plaguing us!?”
The knights and soldiers clamored and struck.
They were barely hanging on and were suffering.
They passed through the gateway after having climbed the stairs in order to pit themselves against Weed.
Weed did not speak of an answer.
‘I have never refused any quests, monsters, or challenges to fight.’
Back on Continent of Magic, Weed did not know how to refrain himself.
If it was something obtrusive, whether they were people or monsters, he simply shattered and pierced through all.
Smash everything, crushes all.
Those were the days where he would stand alone amongst all those eradicated.
On the stairs of the fourth floor leading to the top, that disposition of the Jeonshin Weed was resurrected.