Other Stuff:
Buchner filter, filter flask, flask stopper, filter paper.
Coffee filter + filter paper
Combination hot plate/stirrer. You can't get away without this, especially for the final step, and it makes life a lot easier if you have it at the beginning. I got mine late and was sorry.
Magnetic stir bar (get one that's egg-shaped and works in RBFs)
Clips to hold the glassware together.
Two lab stands and at least two clamps. Don't skimp on the clamps -- they hold hundreds of dollars worth of glass!
Aquarium pump (to pump ice water through distillation column)
Thermometer that fits coupling (0-300 degrees). It's nice to have two -- one to watch the temperature of the stuff that's coming over in the still, and another to check other temperatures, like the temperature of the peanut oil, or of the fluid that you are distilling.
Boiling stones. You can often avoid using these if you've got the hotplate/stirrer. The spinning stir-bar works better than boiling stones under vacuum conditions, since there tends to be a lot less "bumping". If you've never seen bumping, let me tell you a secret: the first time it happens to you, you'll be very upset.
Silicone grease
Vacuum pump. I used a spa pump with enough pipes to take water out of and return it to a 5 gallon plastic bucket.
I attached an aspirator to this.
Plastic tubing (3 pieces -- two to connect to the input and output of the distillation column; one to connect the aspirator to the vacuum adapter, or to the flask holding the buchner funnel). Make sure they're long enough. I used 2 sections that were about 2.5 feet and one of 6 feet.
Measuring cups and/or graduated cylinders. I used a 500 ml cylinder plus a 50 ml cylinder.
Triple-beam balance.
Glass wool (I got a furnace filter and cut out chunks of the wool). I used it to plug the vigreux column when it was filled with glass beads and calcium chloride).
Lots of clean glass jars for storage. Next time I'd just get a dozen mason jars (quart size) with lids. Some smaller jars are good, too.
Tiny spatula for measuring out tiny amounts of dry chemicals.
Glassware cleaning brushes. Get at least one curved one for cleaning the insides of the round flasks, and one straight one.
Glass beads to fill the vigreux column for fractional distillations. The people at the hippie store that sold all sorts of psychedelic colored beads thought it was pretty strange when I looked over everything and finally selected the ugliest (and of course cheapest) beads for my "creation".
Coffee grinder (to ball up the aluminum foil) Please clean out the coffee grounds first, and PLEASE clean out the aluminum dust afterwards.
(optional) paper shredder (to shred aluminum foil)