You have found Kendellev’s Water’s Statue.
– You have earned 200 fame.
– Would you like to restore Kendellev’s water’s statue? 20,000 mana is required, and your Art stat must be over 500 to restore this piece.
Weed accepted.
“Glurgg. Rarrr. Blergh blergh, blerghhh.”
Although his pronunciation was hampered by the lake water rushing into his mouth every time he opened it, his meaning still got across.
At that moment, the lake’s water started moving.
Ignoring gravity, water started to rise into the air.
The star rose up.
Birds flew away as they chattered.
Butterflies spread their wings, and Dwarven children started to dance with their short legs.
The water droplets of the lake adorned Kuruso behind the sculpture.
“The lake turned into a statue!”
Where Weed stood, a new path of water was formed.
Tons of water streams exploded from below into the sky, then coalesced and roared into rapids, cascading down like a waterfall, and soon gathered again and became as gentle as a stream.
In the water path, a boat made of water was leisurely flowing along.
There was a sailor on the mast, and dolphins that soared out magnificently, and they were all made of water.
It was a majestic and beautiful sight that filled you with happiness.
The work that best expressed the beauty of water!
– While restoring the sculpture made by a Dwarf, your sculpting level has increased.
Charisma, Charm, and Luck stats have increased by 10.
Fame has increased by 50.
– You witness the water play sculpture for Kendellev’s children.
The Dwarf Sculptor Kendellev’s artwork.
The nature of the water reflects the innocence of the Sculptor’s young children.
Because of overwhelming emotion, Wisdom has permanently increased by 3.
One must personally use the water park Kendellev made for his young children in order to experience complete and absolute joy.
Weed did not hesitate and threw himself in the water stream.
As the water rose like a powerful geyser, his body was rapidly carried upwards; then, he slid down the stream as if he was on a slide.
After crossing a waterbed, he passed by a water hill.
The playful dolphins leapt up and nosed Weed’s face; splashing him with streams of water.
– You are enjoying the water park made for young children.
Your Health, Mana, and Stamina will recover rapidly.
Stamina will rise to maximum level.
If currently raising water magic skills, other related affinities will be enhanced.