Task Analysis:
1. Hold a meeting with as many people who are directly involved in the student, life as possible. Attempt to define, in as measurable terms as possible the specific behaviors that arc causing disruption. Reach agreement as to what behaviors will be the focus of the behavioral intervention and what consequences would be appropriate if the behavior occurs
2. Hold a similar meeting, including the student this time. Rationally explain the cause for concern and what specific actions will be taken if the behavior occurs. Equally important, explain what positive actions will be taken if the behavior does not occur
3. Select a time period that seems shorter than the average rate of occurrence of the disruptive behavior. If no disruption occurs in that time period, offer to the student the enjoyed experience (item) identified in the materials section. If negative behavior occurs, provide minimal interaction except to physically redirect the student to a more appropriate task.
4. Continue Step 3, gradually increasing the time period until an entire day is completed without a disruptive event.
5. Continue Step 4, slowly reducing the reward concept and replacing it with brief social interaction in a positive way.