Our warehouse just informed us that pallet 638FH pallet 6 has been found in our warehouse.
This means that this pallet has not been shipped on the actual shipment of your PO 00024278.
Most likely we think that instead of 638FH-06, a pallet of Infuflex 210 x 0.20 mm 7296 Cler batch 611RM-02 has been shipped.
We have instructed our forwarder to change the bill of lading so you will not experience any issues with the customs in Thailand.
Instead of 6 pallets you will import 5 pallets into Thailand.
Our forwarder will get in contact with your forwarder to discuss this.
The pallet which has been wrongly shipped has a label on the box with a different pallet description.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused and we have started a formal investigation.