f0fs32 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0 outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Two brothers were killed in Cambodia after one detonated a grenade in the midst of an argument over inheritance, local media reported yesterday. Five other family members were also injured, two seriously, in the explosion in the northern province of Oddar Meanchey, The Cambodia Daily newspaper reported. The brothers were former Khmer Rouge soldiers and had a stash of old grenades at their home. One of the men grabbed a grenade as an argument over money from inherited property got more heated. When his brother tried to take it from him, it went off.}
{ tf1ansiansicpg1252{fonttblf0fnilfcharset0 ArialMT;}{colortbl; ed255green255lue255; ed0green0lue0;}deftab720pardpardeftab720sl400partightenfactor0f0fs32 cf2 expnd0expndtw0kerning0outl0strokewidth0 strokec2 Two brothers were killed in Cambodia after one detonated a grenade in the midst of an argument over inheritance, local media reported yesterday. Five other family members were also injured, two seriously, in the explosion in the northern province of Oddar Meanchey, The Cambodia Daily newspaper reported. The brothers were former Khmer Rouge soldiers and had a stash of old grenades at their home. One of the men grabbed a grenade as an argument over money from inherited property got more heated. When his brother tried to take it from him, it went off.}