1.You must do report on the back side of your book (ด้านงานที่ทำ)
2. There are 3 kind of vegetable as คะน้าจีน, ผักบุ้งจีน, และผักกาดเขียวกวางตุ้ง
3. In report you must have
3.1 english common name
3.2 sciencesific name
3.3 native
3.4 family
3.5 3 comercial varities
2.6 how to prepare bed to grow
2.7 how to grow
2.8 how to water and take care it
2.9 which insect, disease we must beware and how to treat it
2.10 how we know when harvest (harvesting index)
2.11 how to harvest
2.12 whole sale price
2.13 at lease 3 references ( may be book or website )
4. Write every line and every page by your hand writing only and do not draw table ( if you did you must use liquid papaper to erease it.