I even as thou have disappeared from here
Are signs and tears tell it
Thank you I do not is say to you properly
I remain can not be said after all goodbye
Rainbow it takes to Kana sky was watching a dream
Until the flowing clouds down the color stairs
And it has been beyond the sunset and sadness
Every day of the star of the miracle that was born in the universe
Because not a nocturne to the broken Yuku day
close to me
Even now live near near
close to me
Because I want you to have even now near near
Not dead not just alive
Go across the now
World of LOOP not hesitate anymore
I went over to swim
Another dawn comes
(There is a light for you)
And bring the Chaoyang and joy
That thank you was born met flowers bloomed
That tears sang flows the cheek
The fact that you told me all
That someone told me to tell at that time
That me tell at that time