Due to increasing economic development growth, the trend
in MSW generation is predicted to increase. The estimate
volume of waste will be 15.25 million ton/year in 2011 or
increasing rate of 2% annually. Even though the increase is in
a small percent, the amount of waste can still cause
environment problem in Thailand due to the limited landfill
space and the odor. Therefore, the environmental friendly
MSW management should be deployed early to prevent such
problems to grow. However, the current implementation of MSW in Thailand addressed only immediate problems. There
is a lack of long-term master planning, and no cooperative
planning among communities that might benefit from joint use
of facilities, and disposal systems. Moreover, the increasing
percentage of plastic and paper materials in the MSW stream
will contribute to the growing MSW amount.
MSW management refers to collection, transfer, separation,
biological treatment, recycling, resource recovery and disposal
of solid waste.