All eyes on the mountain peak were fixed on Wang Lihai. His expression was the same as ever as he watched Meng Hao disappear. After a long moment, he coughed up a mouthful of blood, and then staggered backward a few paces. His index finger was quivering, and was so swollen he couldn’t bend it.
“Defeated,” he murmured. The other Wang Clansmen heard the words, looks of astonishment covered their faces.
Wang Lihai wasn’t the only one to be defeated that night. Song Yunshu, Dao Child of the Song Clan, as well as the Dao Child of the Golden Frost Sect were also vanquished!
As Meng Hao flew away from the Song Clan airship, Song Yunshu leaned up against the wall, blood dripping down onto the ground. His face was pale as he stared at Meng Hao’s disappearing shadow. Eventually, a stubborn look appeared on his face.
Outside the valley occupied by the Golden Frost Sect, a shocking roar filled the dawn air. It echoed out all but once, and then the Golden Frost Sect Dao Child was defeated. He immediately went into secluded meditation. Only a few people witnessed the shocking battle.
The next day, the name of the Faceless Azure Hero swept across the western region of the Southern Domain. There was not a single person who hadn’t heard that he had defeated not only Chosen from the various Sects, but Solitary Sword Sect Dao Child Han Shandao, Wang Clan Dao Child Wang Lihai, Song Clan Dao Child Song Yunshu, and the Dao Child of the Golden Frost Sect!
In just a few days, the Faceless Azure Hero had risen to prominence in the western region of the Southern Domain.
In fact, some people had already taken him to be on par with Zhou Jie, Li Shiqi and Li Daoyi, who had all broken through to Core Formation.
Many people believed that the mysterious azure-robed man would continue to challenge more Dao Children, or perhaps even Li Shiqi and the others. Shockingly, however, after the three successive battles, he suddenly went into hiding.
At the moment, the illustrious azure-robed man was actually sitting cross-legged near the Dao Geyser, staring at the screen, and the figure on it, lost in thought.
After sensing the Qi in the image on the screen, he had gone to fight the three battles in the night. However, fighting them did nothing. He had the feeling that if he was able to gain enlightenment regarding the Qi in the figure, then he would be able to create his ninth Dao Pillar.
Meng Hao didn’t know what the Qi was, but after the image disappeared this time, he was able to sense that his own body… also had a similar strand of Qi within it.
After observing the screen and the figure, he was able to circulate the Qi strand. When evening fell, he once again stood up.
For two days, Meng Hao was unable to find an appropriate opponent. Li Daoyi, Zhou Jie and Li Shiqi had apparently all left the western region of the Southern Domain. Meng Hao couldn’t find them.
Eventually, he returned to the Dao Geyser to once again observe the screen. Eventually, he closed his eyes and began to mentally review his various victories over the Chosen and Dao Children.
Gradually, the images of the various opponents grew clearer in his mind, and he realized that they had a similar Qi strand within them. Within some, it was thick, others, thinner. But they existed in all of them.
Early on the second day, Meng Hao opened his eyes to glance about at the tens of thousands of people surrounding the Dao Geyser. After observing them for a while, he could tell that all of them had this mysterious Qi within them.
It seemed to appear within anyone who observed the Dao Geyser.
Meng Hao sat there thoughtfully for some time, his brow furrowed.
In the following half month, the reputation of the azure-robed man only continued to grow. Everyone spoke about him with fear. He seemed to have gone crazy! The instant he encountered a Cultivator of the late Foundation Establishment stage, he would instantly attack them, regardless of who they were or which Sect they belonged to.
The entire time, he never killed anyone. At the same time, no one was capable of making even two attacks against him. Everyone suffered complete defeat.
All of the Chosen from the Solitary Sword Sect who were present in the western region, were defeated. The same went for the Chosen of the Golden Frost Sect. As soon as anyone saw the azure-colored robe, their face would fill with fear. Regardless of whether it be Wang Clan, Li Clan or Song Clan, during this half month, everyone suffered defeat at the hands of the azure-robed man.
It was as if an azure-colored storm had descended upon the entirety of the western region of the Southern Domain.
Half a month later, the Dao Geyser was reaching its final moments. As of now, the screen had appeared, and wasn’t disappearing. According to the ancient records, this meant that the Dao Geyser would dry up and disappear in seven days.
More and more Cultivators sat cross-legged near the Dao Geyser, staring at the screen. It was at this exact same time