Voltage increased with time for reactors A, B and C (Figure 3). The
Voltage for all the cells started with a slow increase and rose greatly
after day 3. Cell A had a more steady increment in voltage from day
three up to day nine. After day 9 to day 41, there was a slight change in
voltage with time as compared to the earlier times. This slight variation
in voltage took place at higher voltage. This same pattern in behavior
was exhibited by cell B. Cell B exhibited a slightly constant voltage
between day 17 and 35. Cell A’s fall in voltage started after day 41 and
continued steadily up to day 57. Even though cell B exhibited the same
behavior in voltage fall with time as A, it on the other hand had a slight
fall in voltage with time relative to A. Cell C had a steady increment in
voltage between day 1 and day 19. After day 19, C generally showcased a
fall in voltage with a spike of high voltage rise at day 41 which was then
followed with a sharp fall in voltage there after (Figure 3). In summary,
the three cells A, B and C in Figure 3 exhibit three phases of voltage
variation. The first is the voltage rise followed by steady voltage and
lastly the voltage fall in the later part of the cell life. The agitated cells
also showed the same behavioral trends but exhibited slightly higher
voltage values for cell A and a fall in voltages for the cells B and C as
shown in Figure 4
Voltage increased with time for reactors A, B and C (Figure 3). TheVoltage for all the cells started with a slow increase and rose greatlyafter day 3. Cell A had a more steady increment in voltage from daythree up to day nine. After day 9 to day 41, there was a slight change involtage with time as compared to the earlier times. This slight variationin voltage took place at higher voltage. This same pattern in behaviorwas exhibited by cell B. Cell B exhibited a slightly constant voltagebetween day 17 and 35. Cell A’s fall in voltage started after day 41 andcontinued steadily up to day 57. Even though cell B exhibited the samebehavior in voltage fall with time as A, it on the other hand had a slightfall in voltage with time relative to A. Cell C had a steady increment involtage between day 1 and day 19. After day 19, C generally showcased afall in voltage with a spike of high voltage rise at day 41 which was thenfollowed with a sharp fall in voltage there after (Figure 3). In summary,the three cells A, B and C in Figure 3 exhibit three phases of voltagevariation. The first is the voltage rise followed by steady voltage andlastly the voltage fall in the later part of the cell life. The agitated cellsalso showed the same behavioral trends but exhibited slightly highervoltage values for cell A and a fall in voltages for the cells B and C asshown in Figure 4
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