Surveys for fungal pathogens of maize storage pests were conducted in Kenya between February and August 1997. A total of 124 farms in 12 districts located in Lower Highland, Upper Midland and Lower Midland agroecological zones (AEZs) were sampled. Sitophilus zeamais constituted at least 75% of the pests in the 3 AEZs. Prostephanus truncatus (Larger Grain Borer), introduced into Kenya in 1983 was found in stored maize only in Taita Taveta district. Insects infected with Beauveria spp were encountered rarely (in 12 of the 124 farms sampled) but had a wide distribution (in 8 of the 12 districts visited). The fungus occurred at a very low prevalence of between 0.08 and 0.94% of the total insects collected, mainly infecting S. zeamais but also found on Tribolium sp and Carpophilus spp.