The distribution in greater Gothenburg has rather balanced flows in terms of volume, according to both CEOs, much due to Gothenburg’s character as a man- ufacturing city. This is in contrast to most cities with more goods to deliver than to pick up, not the least of which is Sweden’s capital, Stockholm, which is dominated by the administration and service industry. However, the same unbalance applies to Gothenburg’s city centre. CEOGBF points out that it is more work to get the goods out of the city due to large pick-ups. CEOGBF also highlights a balancing problem with respect to time: customers want to have goods picked up as late in the day as possible and this might force the road haulier to use more lorries for pick-ups even though the volume and number of stops might be less than delivery operations. CEOTGM stresses the importance of different pricing systems and it is better when the operator is getting paid from A to B, rather than in an A–B–A situation as the operator might lack incentives to find a back-haul.