Goat milk is known to have better qualities such as digestibility and longer shelf life than cow milk [2]. The
curd of goat milk is softer than the curd of cow milk, and consequently the more easily it is digested. Size also has
something to do with its digestibility, and the curd of cow’s milk is large and dissolves more slowly. The finer curd
of goat’s milk dissolves more rapidly. This means that for some people with digestive difficulties, goat’s milk may
be more easily digested [1].
Goat milk sold in retail packages shall contain not less that 2.5% milk fat and not less than 7.5% milk solidsnot-fat
[3]. The standard classifies the normal condition of goat milk based on physico-chemical properties as well
as level of bacterial contamination and antimicrobial residue [4]. Comparison studies conducted on cow and goat
milk indicated significant species differences with resulting compositional differences that preclude the continued
reference to a single set of legal quality standards. The compositional differences included: somatic cell content,
short-chain fatty acid ratio, casein content, fat content, alkaline phosphatase content, vitamin content and freezing
point. When tested by cow’s milk criteria and methodology, normal goat milk could have been judged to be
abnormal due to its deviation from the standard levels [3].
The amount of goat milk is a lot less than that of the cows, a good pooling together system can enable the milk
to be processed in a small plant which can be started for a better storage of the milk. Also hygienic of goat milk
products could be available all the year round in most communities. Thus, it can improve the household food
security and nutrition [2]. The goat milk in Indonesia is produced in small farmer and collected at milk collecting
point and then stored in cold or freezing temperature to wait for processing or marketing to the city. However, in
the case for hygiene and quality of goat milk have not been monitored. Furthermore, the lower amount of goat milk
production in each farm, necessitates certain alternative methods of the milk preservation in order to be marketed
throughout the year.