powerful Software Applications to Analyze Genomes in High Definition
MapSolver™ Software
OpGen’s map analysis software module is included with the Argus® Whole Genome Mapping System. MapSolver™ is easy-to-use and provides fast, high performance analysis for microbial samples and genomes up to 100Mb.
More accurate strain typing and cluster analysis–whole genome sequence assembly and comparative genomics:
View, analyze and manipulate map data: insertions, deletions, copy number variation, mobile genetic elements
Direct association to sequence, guides sequencing to important regions
De novo assembly or use to place contigs along reference map scaffold
- See more at: http://opgen.com/genomic-services/softwares#sthash.sCL2zAfc.dpuf
powerful Software Applications to Analyze Genomes in High DefinitionMapSolver™ SoftwareOpGen’s map analysis software module is included with the Argus® Whole Genome Mapping System. MapSolver™ is easy-to-use and provides fast, high performance analysis for microbial samples and genomes up to 100Mb.More accurate strain typing and cluster analysis–whole genome sequence assembly and comparative genomics:View, analyze and manipulate map data: insertions, deletions, copy number variation, mobile genetic elementsDirect association to sequence, guides sequencing to important regionsDe novo assembly or use to place contigs along reference map scaffold- See more at: http://opgen.com/genomic-services/softwares#sthash.sCL2zAfc.dpuf
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