“That’s right.” Nie Li knew that Gu Bei would definitely enquire about it; furthermore, Gu Bei was certain to link it to Nie Li’s requests for ordinary demChapter 298 – Master and Disciple
Nie Li returned to his courtyard and continued refining God Level growth rate demon spirits like mad.
After absorbing the leftover energy from the demon spirits, the Nightmare Demon Pot’s success rate seemed to have slightly increased. From the sixty thousand demon spirits, Nie Li produced almost a hundred God Level demon spirits.
Nie Li arrived in Gu Bei’s courtyard alone and handed the God Level demon spirits to him. Gu Bei was going to help Nie Li sell them to his cousins before he went out to acquire Dragon Bloodline demon spirits for him.
Nie Li exited Gu Bei’s courtyard, activated the void-form several times to dodge prying eyes, and moved according to his memories.
He followed a crooked path that stretched into the distance, walked past a patch of dense forest, and reached a quiet valley.
Peach blossoms bloomed richly, making the scene appear like a utopia.
It was exactly the same as the scene from his memories.
It was a quiet valley with a small stream that trickled through. Scenes belonging to his previous life appeared in his mind.
“Master, you told me to reach the ‘virtuous like water, for water does not compete’ state. But how do I accomplish this? I was born in a place called Glory City and all of my families, friends, and even my lover were killed. Should I go up to my enemies and tell them to be virtuous like water? I only believe in ‘an eye for an eye’. Given the slightest chance, I would kill every last one of them!”
His Master had only looked at him and smiled, “Stubborn disciple that couldn’t be enlightened.”
“It’s not that I couldn’t be enlightened. Everyone in the Divine Feathers Sect looks at you with disdain. If I was strong enough, I’d make all of them kneel before you as vengeance. What’s wrong with that?”
His Master stared into the endless sky. “In this world, bitter struggles are constant. In an instant, everything will become history. However, water can flow endlessly, nurturing all living things.”
Even now, Nie Li still couldn’t understand his Master’s words. Even in this life, he’d only been following one rule: vengeance for vengeance, an eye for an eye. Even after the danger to Glory City had been dealt with, there was still more vengeance that he’d yet to seek. The Demon Lord and the Sage Emperor still weren’t dead.
As long as his enemies weren’t eliminated, Nie Li would never be able to find peace. Not for even a moment, not even in his sleep.
Was he supposed to correct the Demon Lord and Sage Emperor with a heart of mercy? What an absurd thought.
However, his Master had been genuinely kind to him.
Nie Li continued to walk as he recalled everything from his previous life. His eyes couldn’t help filling up with tears. His Master was a geon spirits. Gu Bei might look like a stupid playboy, but he was actually a really smart guy.
Gu Bei laughed, “If you have so many ordinary God Level demon spirits, ‘don’t let the good water flow into someone else’s field’1. A few of my cousins have some men who’ve got more men under them. Those guys have been looking for some good stuff to win people’s hearts over, in terms of recruiting. Other possibilities aside, several hundred God Level demon spirits would work perfectly fine. Of course, if there’re any Dragon Bloodlines with an Excellent Level growth rate or above, that’d be even better! As for pricing, we definitely won’t pay anything lower than Li Xingyun!”
The Gu Clan was extremely large and their power reached into all parts of the Divine Feathers Sect. So it was natural that they’d need lots of God Level demon spirits.
Nie Li said, “Please forgive me for not being so thoughtful!” It never crossed his mind that Gu Bei might also need some God Level demon spirits. He looked at Gu Bei and continued, “You’re not going to ask how I got those God Level demon spirits?”
Gu Bei gave Nie Li a meaningful look and winked. “That’s your secret. What right do I have to pry?”
Only Lu Piao couldn’t understand what they were talking about. “Even if you can pay for so many God Level demon spirits, where are we supposed to find them?”
Lu Piao had always been frank and outspoken; he wasn’t someone who hid his thoughts. Nie Li wasn’t going to let Lu Piao know about the Nightmare Demon Pot, in case Lu Piao leaked it out by accident.
On the other hand, Gu Bei had probably guessed it. However, he was a pretty loyal guy, and Nie Li was rather grateful for that. “Thanks! Once I get more God Level demon spirits, I’ll make sure to find you in your courtyard!” Doing business with Gu Bei would be much safer than doing business with others. However, Nie Li planned to sell a massive amount that not even Gu Bei would be able to take. Therefore, he also had to maintain a relationship with Li Xingyun.