IF OUR maths prove correct, the recently revived Indian Motorcycle company will launch its first new models on August 1st 2007.
The INQ has calculated the date from the web site which says there's just 317 days to go before lift-off.
The company announced back in July that it has acquired manufacturing space in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Then, last week it revealed that it had raised $30 million to finance its operations.
So the INQ thought it had better sign up pronto to make sure it had its name down to acquire one of the company's famous Indian Chief V-twin machines.
While signing up for email alerts, the INQ spotted the site's ticker. Which was great news since, officially the launch date is only given as Q3-Q4 2007.
Now we know better.
And it's nice to know that we Brits have been able to help out America's second most famous motorcycle company. Indian Motorcycle's executive chairman is one Stephen Julius who claims to be Anglo-Italian.
The only cloud on the horizon is the chance that India will take the company to the WTO. After all, if Champagne has to come from the correct region of France then surely Indian motorcycles have to be made in India? µ