You like order and structure in your life. Maybe you work to a budget, or cannot sit down to work in an untidy, disorganised room. Everything in its place is a good idea. And that applies to life in a general way, people fulfilling their duties in whatever role they find themselves. It may be old-fashioned, but there is certainly something to be said for the idea of women staying at home and men going out to work. And for being proud of your country and what it stands for. Also well-defined rules about what is right and what is wrong.
You enjoy the quiet life, shopping in your locality, a chat with friends, a visit with family. Familiar places and people. You are responsible and dependable. If you do something you will do it properly, if you promise something you will keep your word. And you probably don’t like waste.
In choosing, you may prefer to follow the opinion of experts so as to do the right thing. You also get a lot of pleasure from a good bargain, and value the status of high quality brands that have stood the test of time.
You are attracted to people and things that are definite about what they believe in, distrusting fancy ideas and complications. If you have a sense of drifting, it can be good to live each day without thinking of the future.