1. Introduction Noodle, a traditional staple food in many Asian has countries, been widely consumed for thousands of years (Fu, 2008). Noodles may be sold as a fresh product, but owing to high contents of water and nutrient substances, consumption must occur within a short time before they spoil (Xu, Hall lll, Wolf-Hall, & Manthey 2008). To extend the noodles are dried in hot air or fried in oil, but depending on their processing conditions, it usually takes a long time to cook dried noodles, and as for fried noodles, undesirable oil is incorporated (Fu, 2008). In recent years, with various chemical preservatives, the shelf-life of fresh noodles can also be However, consumers nowadays are increasingly considering about convenience and healthy quality of the food, and demand products with reduced levels of chemical preservatives or free of them (Diez, Santos, Jaime. & Rovira, 20o9).Therefore, frozen cooked noodles offer a viable alternative.