“I can almost see them, too," said Annie. Kathleen stood up. She shielded her eyes and gazed across the plain. The cold sun was low in the sky. It cast long blue shadows beneath the snowdrifts. She pointed into the distance. "And see? A white hare is leaping home before dark." she said. Jack looked where Kathleen pointed, but he couldn't see anything moving at all. "I see a snowy owl, too," said Kathleen, "and-oh, no!" "What?" said Annie. "Wolves," Kathleen said with a shudder. "They just disappeared behind a snowdrift. My people greatly fear the wolves." "You need not be afraid. I shall protect you," said Teddy. He took Kathleen's hand. "Come! Let us make haste toward the sun!" Together, Teddy and Kathleen headed across the snow-covered plain. Their woolen cloaks waved behind them. Annie and Jack dug their hands in their pockets and quickly followed them toward the setting sun.