Hi, Eddy. We're going to be in math class together again this semester aren't we? Sorry, I'm not Eddy Nice to see you again, Bobby
"Sorry. I don't know you
You're Bobby, aren't you?
"No, I am not. I'm Eddy.
This is the story of an amazing coincidence Three brothers met for the first time at the age of 19
Bobby Shafran started a new semester at Sullivan Community College in New York The previous semester Eddy Galland was a student there.
The two teens looked exactly alike. Another student learned that both boys were adopted, and he realized that the boys were probably brothers. That student introduced Bobby to Eddy The two boys found out that they were in fact twins, born at the same time. An adoption agency had sent the boys to two different families The families didnt that their baby boys had But more was this After the story was in the newspapers, another boy, named David Kellman, realized that he was their brother, too- also born at the same time. So the twins became triplets!