In a light duty powered roller conveyor. e rollers may lie driven by one e driven below the rollers, ond supported by idle mllern such lie lielt ilies belt a positive drive rollers and transmit power to them by metion. "This is, unlike nre driven by an individual motor, it is onlled individual when each of the driven tnnsmitting motion through a reducing drive. These motors may be high speed gear (Hg 6.0.6). Alternatively, specially denigned slow speed bollow shaft motors are used which are directly coupled to the roller shan with the availability of better eleotii cal control systems, individually driven roller conveyors are getting more popular particu- larly for reversing duty. Fig, 6.6.6. Individual drive from nanged mutui coupled to gna Portable Roller Conveyor It is a short (up to 7 m) section of roller conveyor mounted on legs and nt times with wheeln. These may be shifted from one place to another and adjusted in height or inclination for loading and unloading of trucks. The portable roller conveyor may be idle or driven. Drive is onen through an endless belt described above. 6.6.3 Aspects of Roller Conveyor Design (a) Unpowered Roller Conveyors The major design calculations involved are to determine the force required to overcome the resistance to motion of the loads and the angle of inclination required for a gravity conveyor.