Using the human cell line MDA-MB231 as a cell model, we assayod fibroin and scricin in a wound healing scratch assay and both proteins stimulated cell migration. Fibroin and sericin stimulated the phosphorylation of ERK 1/2 and JNK1/2 kinases Additionally, treatment with fibroin and sericin upregulated c jun gene expression and increased the amount of phosphorylated Jun. Some of these results were corroborated in Mv1Lu cells. The usc of JNK spocific inhibitor SP600125, P13K spocific inhibitor LY 294002 or MEK specific inhibitor PD98039 prevented cell migration stimulated by fibroin or scricin. Thc usc of thcsc inhibitors also prevented fibroin and sericin cJun upregulation and phosphorylation. Finally, sericin and fibroin tested in the human keratinocyte HaCaT induce the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and the upregulation of c Jun. Altogether, our showed than results fibroin and sericin regulate cells migration by activating