Airline: A company that provides travel by air is called an airline.
The airport is small and only offers flights from three different airlines.
Boarding pass: A boarding pass is another word for an airline ticket. It is what passengers must show before boarding a plane.
To book a flight: means to reserve your seat on a flight.
Non-stop flight: A non-stop flight flies to its final destination without stopping.
Direct flight: A direct flight stops before arriving at its final destination, but passengers do not have to change planes.
Connecting flight: A connecting flight stops and passengers must change planes.
Layover: The term layover refers to the stop at an airport in order for passengers to change planes.
First-class ticket: First class tickets are the most expensive tickets that airlines offer. First class seats are in the front of the plane and are much bigger than the other seats on the plane. Airlines usually offer premium meals to passengers with first class tickets.
Business class ticket: Business class tickets are cheaper than first class tickets but more expensive than economy class tickets. Business class tickets have certain benefits that economy class tickets do not, such as larger seats.
Economy class tickets are the cheapest tickets that airlines offer. Economy class seats are the smallest seats on the plane.
Suitcase: A suitcase is a bag with a handle used for holding clothes or other possessions.
Luggage: All the suitcases and bags that a traveler has with them on a trip is called luggage.
Checked luggage/checked bags: Checked luggage is the luggage a passenger gives to the airline before getting on the plane. These bags are placed in the cargo section of the plane and do not travel in the same section of the plane as the passengers.