Semi-hardwood shoots, collected from the canopy, were harvested
on 13th July from ‘Tonda Gentile delle Langhe’ cultivar
when the nut had attained full size, just before seed growth. Semihardwood
shoots were chosen as propagation material following
literature (Lagerstedt, 1982; Ercisli and Read, 2001). Shoots were
collected, sprayed with water and maintained wet overnight in
white plastic bags at 4 ◦C; the following day the material was
treated and placed in the greenhouse of the Dipartimento di Colture
Arboree, of the University of Torino.
Semi-hardwood shoots, collected from the canopy, were harvestedon 13th July from ‘Tonda Gentile delle Langhe’ cultivarwhen the nut had attained full size, just before seed growth. Semihardwoodshoots were chosen as propagation material followingliterature (Lagerstedt, 1982; Ercisli and Read, 2001). Shoots werecollected, sprayed with water and maintained wet overnight inwhite plastic bags at 4 ◦C; the following day the material wastreated and placed in the greenhouse of the Dipartimento di ColtureArboree, of the University of Torino.
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