Wallace (2001) developed a conceptual framework as to how teachers used internet in their teaching and how
they used material resources. The results stated that teachers made use of internet by transforming it into a
resource which fit into their own teaching methods. Furthermore, Kellenberger and Hendricks (2000) and Martin
Ofori-Attah (2005) and identified that the computer use by teachers was divided into three main components
namely, for teaching purposes (to impart knowledge, create variety, and to give confidence to teachers),
administration purposes (in preparation of job-related materials and to ensure safe-keepings of data and
information about students), and personal purposes (to engage teachers‟ free time in a beneficial and fruitful
manner). Omur (2008) in Turkey, investigated the manner and frequency of primary school science teachers‟ use
of computer. Results demonstrated that improving the computer literacy of science teachers seemed to increase
science teachers‟ computer use and consequently increase their integration of computer applications as an
instructional tool. Internet, email, and educational software Compact Discs (CDs) were found to be used
frequently in the classrooms. Dawson (2008) while examining the extent to which science teachers perceived
that their preservice education prepared them to use ICT in their teaching role, found that the most frequent uses
of ICT were word processing, internet research, email, and powerpoint while the least frequent uses were palm
top computers, web page design, online discussion groups, and virtual excursions. As can be gauged from the
above mentioned studies that researchers have employed varying research methods in an attempt to understand
the role that technology can and does play in education. Consequently, there are a number of differing lines of
research that have been conducted, and many of the lines of inquiry may overlap with others. This has resulted in
a large amount of research, but so varied in method and treatment that at times is difficult to categorize.
Unfortunately, much of the early research on computer uses in education has ignored the systematic study of
ways in which computers can be used by the teachers in teaching-learning process. Studies focused on the most
frequent ways of using computers, on the frequency of computer use, on the strength of teachers employing use