Attitude Scales
Attitude scales provide a quantitative measurement of attitudes, opinions or values by summarising numerical scores given by researchers to people's responses to sets of statements exploring dimensions of an underlying theme . Section Outline: Tapping meanings in quantitative research. Agreement and disagreement with statements. Example: Islamic religiosity. Objective meanings. Scale characteristics. Piloting for uni-dimensionality, presentation and layout. Scales: Likert; Thurstone; Bogardus; Guttman; Semantic Differential. Advantages and disadvantages of scales . Although quantitative research is often said to be less interested in the meanings that people attach to their actions, many surveys do in fact enquire into this area. Market research in particular asks about evaluations of products and services. The main survey method used to tap meanings is attitude scaling. Attitude scales’ (or ‘indexes’ or ‘ratings’: see Schutt 1999: 75–81; Hoinville et al. 1982: 33–37 for examples of construction) consist of asking informants to respond to a statement (or a ...
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