As shown in Figure 1-8, The Application layer adds its protocol dependent header to the data and creates the Layer 7 PDU which is then passed down to the Presentation Layer. This layer then adds its header to the Layer 7 PDU to create the Layer 6 PDU and sends it down to the Session layer. This goes on till Layer 2 receives the Layer 3 PDU. Layer 2 adds a header and a trailer to the Layer 3 PDU to create the Layer 2 PDU that is then sent to Layer 1 for transmission.
At the receiving end, Layer 1 takes the data off the wire and sends it to Layer 2. Here the Layer 2 header and trailer are examined and removed. The resulting Layer 3 PDU is sent to Layer 3. Layer 3 in turn examines the header in the PDU and removes it. The resulting Layer 4 PDU is sent to Layer 4. Similarly, each layer removes the header added by the corresponding layer at the source before sending the data to the upper layer. Finally the Application layer removes the Layer 7 header and sends the data to the application. This process of examining, processing and removing the header is known as decapsulation.
Exam Alert: It is very important to remember the Layer names, their functions and the encapsulation process. You can use a common mnemonic to remember the layer names and their sequence – All People Seem To Need Data Processing. This is an important concept on your CCNA exam.