Health Care products in India
The growing pace of lifestyle has coupled with itself variable number of problems at personal and at social
level. Lifestyle diseases have emerged from the demanding and hectic pace of life led by people today, thus
there is a need to de-stress and increase involvement in leisure activities. Increase in awareness to keep
oneself healthy coupled with rise in standard of living have led to increase in demand for quality healthcare
Tourism planning is essential to multiply the positive effects of tourism industry, for the development of
the optimal product certain core objectives should be kept in mind:
- Identifying and developing tourist destinations
- Diversifications of tourism products in order to attract more tourists through a varied consumer
- Creating and providing adequate facilities for tourists within their budget.
- Strengthening the existing infrastructure and amenities.
- Generation of wealth and employment within the country for overall economic development.
Medical tourism has emerged as one of the best options available throughout the globe.
Millions of individuals come every year from world wide to get treated and then enjoy their recuperative
holidays across India. Innumerable products are in existence in India but the study is restricted to selective
few products:
Dental Treatment includes dental surgery and dental care. The cost of dental care is the western countries
are approximately 10 times more than that in India. Medical tourism India offers several dental packages
the cost paid in western countries for dental care, the same can be done in multi specialty clinics and
hospitals India - and this can be clubbed with a grand holiday in India which comes for free as the cost of
dental treatment in India is nearly a tenth compared to western and European countries. Dental treatment in
India is inexpensive as compared to the western countries.