Summary of research
From the study and analyzed the information questionnaire of students were 20 people. The research can be concluded as follows.
The study found that compared the problems affect listening comprehension in English between senior students by 10 people high GPA and 10 people low GPA in the TOEIC test. We can see the different of average. Most of problem affected listening comprehension. Especially, the external factor the average is 3.8 measurement and comprehensive knowledge in every aspect and internal factor the average is 3.4 have enough knowledge to listen to native accent similar in both groups. According (Anderson and Lynch 1988) said it is boring for students to concentrate on interpreting the unfamiliar sounds, words and sentences of a foreign language are not familiar. For the internal and external factors that affect English listening comprehension of senior students in the TOEIC test. Suggests that barriers to listening comprehension of students most of the main factors caused by factors within the knowledge of the students such as have enough knowledge listening to native accent or lack of knowledge to listen at the time. Problems are that factors result in a listening not success. Have the different because of opportunity to study in class and knowledge of yourself. Teachers have measurement and comprehensive knowledge in every aspect of students. Related literature review according to Zoltan Dornyei (2002) motivation to learn is a key element. And a factor in the knowledge and skills that students are motivated to understand the complicated subject. Researchers saw that the motivation to learn as a stimulus to students' success or failure in the element for learning a second language. This
theory states that learning is an active process of creating meaning from different experiences. In other words, students will learn best by trying to make sense of something on their own with the teacher as a guide to help them along the way. Lecture = 5% Reading = 10% Audiovisual = 20% Demonstration = 30% Discussion Group = 50% Practice by doing = 75% Teach others / immediate use of learning = 90%. That are the same with the research of Hamouda (2013) studied the listening problems encountered by a group of 60 first year English majors’ of Qassim University. The results of the study showed that accent, pronunciation, speed of speech, insufficient vocabulary, different accent of speakers, lack of concentration, anxiety, and bad quality of recording were the major listening comprehension problems encountered by the leaners. Understanding students’ learning difficulties may enable teachers to help students learn and improve the English listening ability. The instrument which was employed in this study was questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to get information about the difficulties the students faced in EFL listening.