Mourilyan bagasse stockpile '
The Mourilyan stockpile (46 x 18 X 4 m) was assembled in-a Fully enclosed
shed with a narrow roofline opening allowing only limited ventilation. Approximately T00 tonnes of bagasse had been stored. No temperatures were recorded
until after the initial occurrence of flaming combustion. At this stage a depression
had been burned in the bagasse stockpile 335 m diameter and 2.5 m deep. Figure
2 shows a plan view of the stockpile. Temperatures were measured at a depth of 1 m. Sample measurements taken at 2 m depth indicated temperatures approx-
imately 5 °C below those at I m. Bagasse samples analysed from points A (1 m)
and B (0.5 m) showed moisture contents of 42 per cent and 31 per cent
respectively. ' .